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Catalogo Adriatech:

Custom Built Brochure:

Fishing Tools:


Drilling deeper holes requires the use of safety equipment that will seal off the well bore in caso of blow out of gas.

The “PREVENTECH” is designed to hold a down hole pressure of 1500/3000 psi.

The unit is operated by a nitrogen accumulator.Max hydraulic input pressure: 1500/2000 psi.

Several styles of rotating,non-rotating,ram,anular BOP system are available upon request.

Note:For more information please ask for product sheets.

Per maggiori informazioni sul prodotto vi preghiamo di compilare il form sottostante:

Adriatech progettazione ingegneristica controllo di qualità

Get in touch 


  • Adriatech srl
  • Via Prati 39
  • 65124 Pescara-(PE)
  • Italy

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