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Fishing Tools:

Fishing Tools

It’s the simplest fishing tool available for engaging a fish internally to catch drill pipes or drill collars. TO ENGAGE THE FISHIt is necessary only to run the taper tap in the hole to the top of the fish, apply less than one point of weight and rotate sufficiently to embed the tapered threads of […]

This is the simplest fishing tool for engaging a fish externally. TO ENGAGE THE FISHYou must ony run the die collar in the hole to the top of the fish, apply less than one point of weight and rotate sufficiently to embed the tapered threads of the die collar into the fish, cease rotation and […]

It’s the strongest tool available to externally engage, pack off and pull fish. During the engaging operation, the overshot is rotated to the right and upward pull is exerted. If the fish doesn’t come, circulating pumps may be started and drilling fluid forced through the fish. How to order-Specify:1) Hole size; 2) Size O.D. of […]

They are used to retrieve all types of objects having magnetic attraction, such as bit cones, bearings, slips, etc., and may be run on wire lines or on pipe.A wide range of O.D. sizes available from 2 7/8″ to 20″.Capacities up to 2000 kg. To order-Specify:1) Hole size2) Top connection Recommended accessories: wire line adapter […]

The TKM Casing Spear is a simple and effective tool used to recover pipes or screens in a well or to set a liner or screen at a certain depth. It is made up of heavy duty system needed to engage the inside o a pipe or screen, actriveted thru use of high pressure. The […]

The AD-CASING CUTTER is an hydraulic cutting tool for single casing operations at precise depth.The tool features 3 steel knives with TC HardColoy, positioned at 120°, that during the string lowering into the well are contained inside the recess in the cutter body. As soon as the depth is reached, the knives are pushed in […]

These tools dressed with hardcoloy, are used to mill objects lost inside the hole not retreviable with conventional methods. The milling tools may be redressed with Hardcoloy once they are worne out. How to order-Specify:1) Intended service; 2) Hole size; 3) Top connection

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  • Adriatech srl
  • Via Prati 39
  • 65124 Pescara-(PE)
  • Italy

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