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Safety Well Equipment

ROTATING DIVERTER SERIES 2000 The Diverter series 2000 is a low profile Rotating Control Head designed for Top-Drive rigs. The frictional enagement between the drill string and stripper rubber rotates the control head with the drill string sealing off the well bore contrinuously while diverting all cuttings and debris. The unit is designed to be […]

Pneumatic system for diversion of drill cuttings The “DIVERTECH” is a compact, easy to install accessory for any kind of drill rig. The patented “Flow – thru – boot” expands (10 psi) from the “DIVERTECH” spool to form a seal against the ground or rock face allowing cuttings to be diverted through a flow line, with or […]

Drilling deeper holes requires the use of safety equipment that will seal off the well bore in caso of blow out of gas. The “PREVENTECH” is designed to hold a down hole pressure of 1500/3000 psi. The unit is operated by a nitrogen accumulator.Max hydraulic input pressure: 1500/2000 psi. Several styles of rotating,non-rotating,ram,anular BOP system […]

Adriatech progettazione ingegneristica controllo di qualità

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  • Adriatech srl
  • Via Prati 39
  • 65124 Pescara-(PE)
  • Italy

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