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Fishing Tools:

Diamond Casing Shoe and Core bit

Casing Shoes are used when there are risks of hole collapse, and therefore the walls of the hole must be sustained by casing tubes set by rotation.
Casing Shoes have the same inner diameter of the casing tubes. In some applications such as upon starting drilling operation or deviated drilling,
the casing is used as a simple core barrel.

Under these circumstances, the casing shoe is replaced with casing core bit, which has diamonds on the inner diameter. The inner diameter of the casing core bit is smaller than the inner diameter of casing.

Please note that special casing shoes for the Q series do not exist. The Q casing shoes and core bits are used with drill rods, due to the fact it is a wire-line core barrel.

We have standardized casing shoe and core bits as F5 indicating a flat profile with a number 5 matrix. Other grades of impregnated matrix as well as surface set casing shoes are available on request

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  • Adriatech srl
  • Via Prati 39
  • 65124 Pescara-(PE)
  • Italy

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