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Catalogo Adriatech:

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Fishing Tools:

Bentonite Pellets

Clay layers, which were deposited by seas and rivers millions of years ago, form a natural almost waterproof barrier preventing possible pollution. They form, therefore, the ideal protection, created by nature itself, of the water containing layers. However in case of excavation and water well drilling, these clay layers are disturbed, causing possible leakages of pollutant in the water reservoir. To restore the clay layers, “Bentonite Sealing Pellets” are employed, having the following characteristics:

  • high sealing property
  • swelling capacity
  • sinking speed
  • swelling strength
  • chemical and mineralogical reliability
  • simple application
  • dust-free application

Uses of “Bentonite Pellets”:

  • sealing drilled clay layers
  • sealing loss of circulation in water well drilling
  • filling up drill holes for seismic research and piezometer
  • mineral closure of wells and excavations (ex. waste pits)

Granuli sigillanti:

Technical Data

Pellets Dimensions

Lung. 7-12 mm.

Diam: Ø 6 mm.

Water absorption cap.
(indice di Enslin – Din 18 132)

dopo 24 h.




< 10-12 m/s

Sweeling capacity


250 – 280 %

Specific Weight


2,6 tons/Mc

Mineralogic structure


20 – 30 %
60 – 70 %
5 – 10 %
5 %

Per maggiori informazioni sul prodotto vi preghiamo di compilare il form sottostante:

Adriatech progettazione ingegneristica controllo di qualità

Get in touch 


  • Adriatech srl
  • Via Prati 39
  • 65124 Pescara-(PE)
  • Italy

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