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The use of fluid is of great importance in drilling operation.
The choice of the right kind of fluid and therefore of the appropriate additives required for its preparation, may be a determining factor for the final performance and results.
The following questions should be asked in order to performance chemical is required.

  1. what kind of job must be undertaken (piling, waterwells, boring)
  2. what kind of tools are being used (down-the-hole hammer, rock bit, Bucket, etc.)
  3. what kind of formations are to be drilled (consolidated, unconsolidated, active)


Substantially the preparation of drilling mud is made adding to water polymeric substances that give the mud a viscosity value thus increasing the solid transportation capacity.
It forms a panel on hole walls and gives other fundamental performances necessary to achieve hole drilling results.

Polymers are divided in two categories:

powder:Drillam PA Regular
Carbocel AG/EHV (CMC)
Lamgum 100
Biolam P
grains:Lamvis S100
Lamseal G
liquid:Drillam NT
Drillam MV


High viscosity polyanionic polymer used as viscosifier, fluid loss reducer and shale inhibitor in fresh and salt water muds. Its employment keeps fluid loss low and forms a thin imperious filter cake that prevents water from penetrating water sensitive formation.

Appearance: white free flowing powder
Packaging: 25 kg. bags

CARBOCEL AG/EHV (extra high viscosity)
Based on carboxi-methi-cellulose (CMC), used as viscosifer and fluid loss reducer of bentonite base mud. Carbocel EHV can be used to substitute part of bentonite to 1/6 (10 kg. instead of 60 kg/cM), biodegradable, does not damage the formations.

Appearance: whitish powder
Packaging: 25 kg. bags

Natural organic polymer, by product of guar gum. Used as primary viscosifier in water well drilling, it produce a viscous pseudoplastic solution in either fresh or salty water, giving good hole stability and improving cutting carrying capacity.

Appearance: whitish powder
Packaging: 25 kg. bags

Biodegradable poly-saccharide polymer that acts as a primary viscosifier and has exceptional shear thinning properties

Appearance: pale yellow powder
Packaging: 25 kg. bags

Synthetic polymer in small grains (<= 1 mm.), viscosifier also at very low concentrations (with 0,5 Kg./Mc a Marsh viscosity value of 55 sec. is obtained).
Good stabilization effect in alterate and incoherent formations.
Effective in clay encapsulating.

Appearance: granular white powder
Packaging: 25 kg. bags

Organic polymer, not-water soluble, in grains, high water absorption capacity from 50 to 200 times its weight.
This effect of water absorption permits the swelling of grains from 0,5 ÷ 3.15 mm. to some centimeters.
It is used when loss of circulation occurs, the polymer grains swell inside fractures and formation voids preventing fluid loss.

Appearance: White grains (0,5 ÷ 3,15 mm.)
Packaging: 25 kg. bags

Liquid polymer used as viscosifier, shale stabilizer and fluid loss reducer.
Prevents shale sloughing, encapsulates the cuttings.

Appearance: Opaque, viscous liquid
Packaging: 25 kg. plastic drum

Anionic liquid polymer, designed as viscosifier in water based drilling fluid, shale stabilizer, prevents shale sloughing and encapsulates the cuttings, good string lubrication.

Appearance: opaque viscous liquid
Packaging: 25 kg plastic drum

Note: For more information please ask for our product sheets

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Adriatech progettazione ingegneristica controllo di qualità

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  • Adriatech srl
  • Via Prati 39
  • 65124 Pescara-(PE)
  • Italy

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